Create yourself a better tomorrow… today

“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow”
– Robert Kiyosaki


So, what have you done today to create yourself a better tomorrow?

Hint: What important (not urgent)  tasks have you done or are planning to do today ???
Self Education – use the principle of compounding to add a digit to your personal income/worth
Exercise – Get your body into the shape you deserve.
Planning – e.g. Get a crystal clear vision for 2006. What are your sales goals for this quarter?
Goal Setting – what will you personally achieve this year?
Staff Reviews – do your staff know what is expected of them this year?
Team Meetings – Get everyone aligned with your business goals for 2006
Relationship Building e.g. Telling your family how much you love and appreciate them
Time management
“Do the Worst First” – what important task are you likely to put off but would make you feel much better if it was done?

Do it now…..  

Have a great day and make it count. A successful year starts by first making each day successful.

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